Holding a glass of went-above-and-left-alone above your table, just past the crest of the crease, the reel gets real as time gains an unreal cadence of thank-bes. The trimmed and slim button-presses happily hug the rounds of the picked out grooves, putting up two fingers in peace or “fuck yous” and perhaps reserving afforded thoughts for the glum yet sage advice of a neighbor in distress. Letting the breath of dolls manage a time slot, it all seems…
Nahp! Played you. Shit above is just jargon, ‘cause what really matters is that the god Paul Hares is altering the course of your noddy night with his shifted soundtrack. Whether it’s his December beaut, or his special mix for Dirty Tapes, or the upside down crucifix of a sonic brushstroke from last year, Paul willingly falters, and I mean that in a good way. Everything he’s made slays and IS slayed, in a fucked up/expertly-fucked-up-tape-game way. It all screams pronounced dialogue, too. Internalized or not. Wroughty right. Holding court for counted measures with stamped intemperance be the name of the game for old Hares. Soul much? So mulch. Below or beyond.
• Paul Hares: https://soundcloud.com/paulhares
• Paul Hares: https://paulhares.bandcamp.com
More about: Paul Hares