This is how you up the beat-tape game the phedee way: i be chillin duu. Now, I can’t find if there’s an i be chillin unn tape, but duu lays it out simply. There’s no kitch to it; no continual beat. It’s simply organic in both the typical and weirdo angles of the genre. Flipped lyrics. Entangled piano strings. Hollowed xylophones. Torn snares. Jailer key rings. Liquid metal falling solid. Faded wood vibrations. Maracas like kick drums. Laced all up in a “high-bias cassette tape w/20 buttery joints from your boy. Only 75 online !! + if you order a cassette you get a personalized gift from phedee.” i be chillin duu is a sort-of paradise find, thanks to my pal Ed l’Mac over at Grand Gardens for the share on Twitter, I’ve been nodding since it hit my buds. Streaming below and available to reel:
i be chillin duu is out now on Dome of Doom Records.
• phedee:
• Dome of Doom:
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