♫♪  Portopia ‘81 - “Distant Horizon”

It was the Innercity tape Not From Here that got me into Ginjoha a few years back. Though, since it’s a Japan-based label, and I’m stateside stricken, the ambient-meets-nuage-meets-peacesound label has refined my distro refresh game. Portopia ‘81 is one of the many aliases the Mizuhiro (owner of said Japan-based label), and it’s always a pleasure when he gets out of the confines of Pacific Asian release-dome. I mean, it DOES make it less exotic, but only by-way of travel. On-the-flip, having Portopia ‘81 listed within the ranks of other varying international musicians in the Constellation Tatsu tape line-up, I’m inclined to not only appreciate the label as a whole, but to tend to the music more meaningfully because WHY these tracks? This is a common struggle I see/hear/read that musicians have with releasing music, especially if they’re releasing music on a different label, and not their own. So what makes Jet Stream (the newest of Portopia ‘81) significantly different?

Portopia ‘81 has always been a very beat-ambient album. Sort of like the soundtrack you’d expect running in a field of perfect grass, stomping it into imperfection, but looking back to see it popping up in its previous posture. Blue skies and smiles and a research lab that looks like it can blast off into space, etc. Shit, Portopia ‘81 is practically guided meditation for those interested in a bit more spark. Though, with Jet Stream — using “Distant Horizon” as the best (and only?) example here; ironic title, no? — there’s a bit more pop vibe. Like these blades of grass not only erect themselves stiffer, but are greener after, with a tinge of shine.

Is Jet Stream a pop-culture American meditation essay from Japanese musician Portopia ‘81? Find out NOW on Constellation Tatsu via tape, because it’ll either be meditation-spa luxury or complete theorist essay.

• Portopia ‘81: http://www.discogs.com/artist/3202807-Portopia-81
• Constellation Tatsu: http://ctatsu.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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