♫♪  Primitive Art - “Problems”

Sunset seeps through the haze of 2023’s global warming skyline as purple and green swirls along the curvature of mountaintops and what once were inhabited buildings. The pace of pride swelters in the warmest way, beading sweat upon leaf and photosynthesis in the last bit of surviving intelligent life; metamorph’d with asexual beings to exist, humans at last blended man with plant. Ultimately evolved in a laboratory to live as long as the great sequoia, humans — prior to the great burning of all that is green — figured out a way to thrive on, in light of sun. Growing beyond what is sky, they are now plagued to giant, ever growing bodies, striving forth, gaining nutrition at dusk and dawn, traveling at night, only to never root in a place that is infinite and nearly desolate. Though, the natural promise of future remains, as pieces of their selves fall to the soil and grow more/new life, uprooting and traveling on. Turning from mammal and reptilian intelligent and genome reign to vegetation, beginning the “Problems” of Primitive Art.

Primitive Art is the project of Jim C. Nedd and Matteo Pit, whose new 12-inch Problems is available for pre-order now on Hundebiss Records and will be shipping mid-September; digital download comes with pre-orders. Dance the way of green humanity.

• Primitive Art: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Primitive-Art/236486603061297
• Hundebiss Records: http://hundebissrecords.bigcartel.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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