♫♪  Prince Rama (channeling Hyparxia) - “Welcome to the Now Age”

If you didn’t already know, the world as we know it will be ending in about a month and a half. In celebration (?) of this event, Prince Rama has channeled the top singles of 10 of the bands that surely would have been a big hit had the world continued existing. “Welcome to the Now Age,” by Hyparxia is a real sensation filled with cerebral one-word stanzas echoed out over a bed of 90s instructional video beats. If this is the future, then I guess music really is doomed to repeat itself indefinitely. I guess Simon Reynolds was right with his concept of Retromania.

Listen as Prince Rama channels Hyparxia below, and buy the album from Paw Tracks on November 6.

If post-pop is possible, I guess this is it.

• Prince Rama: http://princerama.tumblr.com
• Paw Tracks: http://www.paw-tracks.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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