Quis enim cognovit translate latin?
Ignis! Ignis! Ignis!
White light, salvation, streams through the stone slits of this ruined grey church. Ancient grit clings to your bare knees, red and raw from:
Grandinem, Katy Perry!
Grandinem, Sean Paul!
Grandinem, Macarena!
Pray, the walls intone. Pray and pray and with the glow of that holy trinity within you abandon yourself to the bodily contortions.
Bootys as low as the crypt, arms as high as the alter, spinning and rising for:
Unum answeresponsum: Ameno by Era, the gloriously pompous New Age hit that got to number 5 in Retina Set’s native France. Canis Latinicus; Dog Latin that really growls.
Absorb me, take me, feel my pain
More about: Retina Set