♫♪  Rob Magill - Experiment

Holy shit, Rob Magill is traversing levels here. Not only sonically, but as a musician, I’m NOT familiar with the fellah using samples. But it’s always more with Magill. There’s a reality to it, and especially here in Experiment. Not only does it sound like he’s in the middle of practice, but also trying to build something he found off the street from Ikea, and maybe he’s mixing a nice freckled ice-tea lemonade. Pink. With strawberries. It’s to sooth is voice. And his maximalist tendencies to create. As well, it’s in three Phases, so… fuck on Experiment this long weekend.

Also, I think there’s still a What About the Maybe tape left over at Tomentosa iffin’ y’all are so inclined. I brought my tape copy into work today. Take the tease here. And do yourself and Rob and old C and even P a favor this weekend and do something creative. Take that extra day, yo! Tiny Mix Tapes is shut down on Monday too. Just a reminder for all you die-harders out there.


• Rob Magill: http://rob-magill.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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