♫♪  Salva - “Komodo”

In the “Reptilians and Amphibians” installment of Life, the sequel to BBC’s magnificent Planet Earth, heroic naturalist David Attenborough narrates the hunt of the menacing Komodo dragon. In the clip, the dragons siege a water buffalo. At first they cause only minor damage to its hooves, but secrete deadly venom with every cursory bite. Despite its massive size advantage, the buffalo has no defense against the poison soon coursing through its limbs. But the venom takes weeks to kill, during which the dragons stalk with hungry patience. Weeks. The upshot? The prey spends the last sickly, lethargic days of its life face to face with the creatures that have sentenced its death and who will eventually eat its corpse. Nature at its most sinister.

Salva’s track isn’t macabre (though, curiously, the name resonates with the reptiles’ lethal “saliva”) or particularly patient, but it is a touch sinister, dark, and exotic, crawling down a sizzling beat. Could that vocalist, the seductive moaner, be fork-tongued? Is she saying, as if engaged in slow pursuit, “I’m gonna make my move”? But, then again, I bet it wouldn’t be so bad to spend a couple weeks face to face with her. Eaten alive, etc.

Altered Zones reports that Salva’s Yellowbone 12-inch is upcoming on Frite Night.

• Salva: http://www.myspace.com/salvabeats
• Frite Night: http://www.fritenite.com/category/featured

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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