♫♪  Saschienne - “Unknown”

A proposition: Sascha + Julienne = Saschienne. Egon Schiele? Nah, but equally intimate! They’re husband and wife, you see, and though their featured track, “Unknown,” blazes through your wifi darkly and with a slightly sexual sheen, there’s a certain romance to the thing. He — the acclaimed Mr. Sascha Funke (Mr. Funke?! Nah, but equally… uh… rhythmic?) — has been hailed as “one of Germany’s greatest Techno auteurs,”, while she — Mrs. Julienne Dessagne — is a contemporary piano player and semi-professional dancer. Together, they sound fully prepared to go head-to-head with Geoff Barrow and Beth Gibbons. Saschienne vs. BGGB. A nice symmetry and balance, no? But back to the track: Saschienne is clearly the project of practiced hands. Mature restraint, subtle mounting sounds, tasteful and tasty timbres. As you listen to “Unknown,” it’ll become clear that somewhere out in the pulsing glow of space, certain stars have aligned, and in that precision Saschienne was born.

The album, also named Unknown, will be out on March 26 from Kompakt.

• Saschienne: http://soundcloud.com/kompakt/saschienne-unknown
• Kompakt: http://www.kompakt.fm

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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