Depression Loops by SEEZUREFACE is a disasterpiece. It’s not a beat tape, but completely camouflaged within the production of one. The familiar sounds ensnare the senses and drag listeners through a trench of changed memory. Breakdown of the intentional into a monument of sadness. Depression Loops even includes the meta-epitaph from Magnolia. And it comes just in time for all our mind-sets after losing an hour in the day. Not that the day-in-day-out is helping at all. But SEEZUREFACE provides your current soundtrack for not committing to suicide. My boii Bort knows exactly what I’m talking about too.
Depression Loops will talk you out of anything too drastic. It’s the flag waving in the wind that’s tattered, shredded, splattered with blood and mud, but still shines through as white. Keep it steady is good old SEEZUREFACE. Haunting closets and minds with sounds that echo like a poker-gun bullet in the skull. Your hotline: