♫♪  Seth Graham - “Pierre / Ruby” (ft. More Eaze)

At first I was confused. Is my right headphone broken? Could it have cracked in my backpack as my wife and I travelled from our friends’ house to my sister’s house yesterday? No, I used it after that. Weird. Maybe it’s just the song, let’s wait it out. Wait it out I did and what ensued prompted me to write my first TMT piece in months (please forgive me, TMT Gods, I will improve).

“Pierre / Ruby” by composer/Orange Milk co-founder Seth Graham and featuring ever-morphing musician More Eaze glides along gently, guided by an auto-tuned voice and the now-trademark repurposed orchestral samples. Here though, we find Graham’s music at its freest, calmest and most obviously joyful that it’s ever been (perhaps thanks to the friends positioned by his side while he made this album), as he gives space and time to each of the compositional elements. This is a song that not only made me write; it also made me hope on a day when I didn’t really feel much of it at all. I don’t really know how to else to describe this: I needed this song today. So thanks. And I wrote this post in case someone else needs to hear it too.

Make sure to also check out the rest of Hint, Seth Graham’s sixth album, when it arrives on Polish imprint Mondoj in exactly two weeks, ahead of the artist’s European tour.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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