♫♪  Sherwood & Pinch - “Stand Strong”

So, here’s a late-nite jammer from the depths of a recent On-U Sound and Tectonic Recordings cove dwelling project, Sherwood & Pinch. Taken from the forthcoming album Late Night Endless (available Feb. ninth, “Stand Strong” is minimally crafted and subtly built upon, with vocals ranging from a Caribbean to French layers of accent. Immeasurable in terms of pinpointing it to something familiar, it’s akin to the most esoteric “techno” track you found on Napster circa ‘99, or maybe latter, but: and-then, and then. It’s purely infamous in taste, and a demand that of a friend you don’t see for few years, but when they/you come around, it’s like old times. “Stand Strong” by Sherwood & Pinch is pretty much new/old times. There’ll be a wear that’s familiar yet unmatchable, but that of an folk song you never heard, but somehow know the lyrics.

To grip the entirety of this feel, find Late Night Endless via On-U Sound and Tectonic Recordings, with a pre-order here. Listen to “Stand Strong” below:

• Sherwood & Pinch: http://www.sherwoodpinch.com
• On-U Sound: http://www.on-usound.com
• Tectonic Recordings: http://tectonicrecordings.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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