Avoiding references to middle school horror films, Simara is a New York producer you should be bumping. His music is oblique and hypnotic, though soothing and reassuring. It’s like walking through a hall of broken mirrors with flowers jutting out of every corner. Warm haze, fleeting eye contact with the unsure. Perusing his SoundCloud page, like any other consumer of music on the internet, will deduce an unavoidable connection to a similarly cryptic, technically avant producer, y a s h a. The two have intertwined and are prepping a collaborative release, Hologram Summer. A three-minute preview mix gives an incredibly enticing look at what’s to come. It’s jumbled and beautiful, drawing from a huge realm of influences to emit an overwhelmingly unique result. Space and time are almost tearing at the seams, emitting a warm glow through the crack. Immanuel Kant rolls over in his grave.
Hologram Summer is out on digital and limited cassette June 1. Stream the “hologram summer (album preview)” below:
• Simara: https://soundcloud.com/aramisbackwards
• y a s h a: https://soundcloud.com/y-a-s-h-a
More about: Simara