♫♪  SOHLA - “Wake”

SOHLA’s wheezing synths have the rhythmic propulsion of a knackered marathon runner.

He breathes deeply, dreaming of long baths and silver foil heat blankets.

Here he turns an apparent Christina Aguilera sample into something even Julianna Barwickmight call “a bit too eerie.”

It is glorious.

But who invited a whispering Russell Crowe?

This is the first release by All-Time Archipelago, a new multidisciplinary arts venture from Edinburgh’s Ursa Major graphic design studio and music outfit ZZZAP. And while the emptiness of phrasing such as “new multidisciplinary arts venture” usually conveys little more than a rented projector and some subordinated film-studies students, the initial diversity of A-TA’s aesthetic collage seems to suggest they might be the real deal.

Keep those orifices peeled, as my science teacher used to say.

• SOHLA: https://soundcloud.com/sohlamusic
• All-Time Archipelago: http://alltimearchipelago.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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