♫♪  Swarvy - …in the POWWAW

Swarvy. Goin’ lounge-beat. Gonna know ya block off that couch, yo. Headin’ on down to them filtered out repeat ad nauseam licks, Swarvy blows up Paxico’s POWWAW like a true G. Random synth lines going deep. Random sounds out that sampler it’s hard to decide what’s entirely truth. Unless you wanna relate “truth” to the entire live Swarvy set. And in that case, you done-better preach it. LOL - yo, someone free-style to these Paxico beats already or I’m gonna and overdub it on the next post. Kidding. Stoked to hear from the Paxico lead-mang the other day and had to front on this mix. Dig it, y’all!!

• Swarvy: http://www.swarvy.com
• Paxico Records: http://paxicorecords.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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