The Earth is a Man (one of Mukqs’ various side projects) picks up where a lot of post-rock and alt-rock-into-indie acts plateaued. Not only is Pargon infinite in sound and group form, “Timesnake” and “Imagine Tripling” are what makes the definition of matrimony. Not only are the two tracks wed in the ideals of progressively expanding between all four members, but they match in sound of pure human sync. Fuck, I feel close to these dudes JUST LISTENING to the tracks on Bandcamp. As if they’ve walked out of some Midwest room locked since 2004, The Earth is a Man prophetically fronts on all sorts of genres and notes in the same sense we all wanted to as kids. Now that some of us are past that stage of thinking in our lives (sadly), Pargon by The Earth is a Man will always be around thanks to Hausu Mountain releasing their cassingle last Tuesday.
Listen below and reelly snag it here:
• The Earth is a Man:
• Hausu Mountain:
More about: The Earth is a Man