OD, boy spits: THERAVADA’d newest XENNIS RODMAN is literally the merger of peace between NYC & North Korea. Watch this! It’s creamy peanut-butter beaten frfr. #idgaf #fullsend “Come-on man; it’s not that serious.” Dead-ass smoothness.

Dick Hyman in Manhatten fucking on keys. Like a Chick-cOr-e-aHHa-ah-ah cOr-e-aHHa-ah-ah. THERAVADA has those quite anthems in XENNIS RODMAN that could be the loudest james on GANG. YOU KEVIN COSNOR, LIKE!!

Okay, b but this a $91 album, b. Is that real? #rubberbanMAN
#91 2000 ENT. RAW SHITT shh — it’s two-thousand raw-shit — shh

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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