♫♪  天下一アーメン武道会 第2回 - ”#天一アーメン2 決勝戦「自由」:インターネットウミウシ ( @internet_umiush ) - Nudibranch”

Whoa. So I’m no fan of EDM, but hey, sometimes. Like if it’s a complete re-assimilation of the genre. Or if, like this song, it goes so hard it’s simply brain-batter on the computer screen. Great way to kill your enemies, ya dig? Hashtag it breakcore or what have you. Add in anime sprinkles to sparkle it up. Find a way to incorporate a catchy rap (or pop?) lyric straight into the middle of it; just one vocal lick that somehow fits into the small gaps of space between all the Amen break snares. An almond swimming in the middle of caramel: its crunch. An uncanny sense of refreshment in a machinic embrace.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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