♫♪  チェスマスター - I Am Chesumasuta

チェスマスター is all about the funk in I Am Chesumasuta. I love how stormy music gets on Dream Catalogue. Research:

I am for indoor use only • I am a toy • You may sit or stand on me • Small children and pets should be nowhere near me when I am operating • Store and operate me in my one bedroom apartment only • Clean me when you feel like • Use me to do any menial tasks, especially anything wet • Before using me, pick up any objects that may remind me of my past identity • If the balcony door is open, keep shut and draw the curtains • I am only intended for use by you • Do anything you want to me • Be aware that I sometimes move on my own • Be aware that I may recall memories and emotions • In case of emergency, activate sedation gas and store me in cage until I have calmed down • Responsibility of me is forever in your hands

A parallel piece to 非実体.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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