If there was ever a sound for bare-gray and sludgy clouds, “Falling Dreams” by Time Heals Nothing might very well approach it. Though, “Falling Dreams” isn’t quite like its namesake to me. It bears a much more terrestrial tone to it, adjacent to the threshold between consciousness and dormancy. There’s just enough lumbering in these reverberations to remind you that you’re still awake, however unpleasant that may be. It doesn’t come without the symptoms though: moribund waves of fog, subsuming you in little more than your own headspace.
What Time Heals Nothing (a.k.a. Ian Lehman) lets billow out is cobwebbed emotion, as haunting as it is jilting. Plucking strings like you’re pinning a heart in bondage. “Falling Dreams” is constructed like an echo, but breathes like a melting candle. Fortunately for us, Lehman lets it glow for a spell, no matter how futile. Out now on Always Human Tapes.
More about: Time Heals Nothing