東方不敗 is a tasteful mix between Vatican Shadow’s recent “political works” and general L.I.E.S. Records’ under-the-table artists that probably don’t pay taxes. Like, you fucking think Tzusing pays taxes? IDGAF about proof, I seen Tzusing strolling around College Point docs the other day tryna hide a p-90 at 3 A.M. — don’t ask me why I was out there. Looked like some sorta trade slowly creeping into the port/harbor/etc. Looked fucking 90’s action. Looked like more vegitation than usual, but slightly rotting. Like the place smells bad, yeah. And you see Tzusing’s breathe, which is really just smoke from a very thin, long paper he rolled earlier. It has a reddish tint to it. No responsibilities.
More about: Tzusing