♫♪  Various Artists: Lillerne Tapes - Compilation #2 [album stream]

Lillerne Tapes (a.k.a. Gabe Holocombe’s world contribution; thanks Gabe) has been pumping out zines, mixtapes, and cassettes from a Chicago apartment since 2007. The label is responsible for some of the earliest releases from Midwest basement-dwelling staples like Baby Birds Don’t Drink Milk, Vehicle Blues, Boo and Boo Too, and numerous others from the kind of soda-fizz filtered pop bands that have been making house shows fun since before this cassette tape thing caught on again. This dude deserves some credit.

The newest compilation spreads songs from some of the label’s past artists among tracks from other well-known labels such as Solid Melts, Life Like, and Bridgetown Records.

It doesn’t take much more than a look at the long list of out-of-print tapes on the Lillerne Tapes page to give you an idea of the gold on this compilation. So, if you are looking for some new music to check out, start with this one, but don’t be blame me a few months from now when your tape collection is taking up all of your floor space and you can’t afford to pay the water bill.

• Lillerne Tapes: http://www.lillernetapes.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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