After helping to cause a perceptual rupture in the internet underground back in 2012 with releases under monikers like 情報デスクVIRTUAL, Sacred Tapestry, and of course Macintosh Plus (#6 on our 2012 list), Vektroid has since been relatively quiet. She released “Enemy” to kick off 2013 and peeped up a few times throughout that year, but aside from scattered live appearances both online and offline, Vektroid’s presence has been backgrounded in the recent past.
But things are starting to change, and it begins with her first new track in over two years. It’s actually a remix of “Ecco,” a song off Magic Fades’s excellent Push Thru album (released last year on TMT favorite 1080p). While the original is a tender four-minute synthesis of skewed pop and beat-less R&B, Vektroid puts the track through the industrial grinder, darkening its edges and offsetting the ethereality and guitar theatrics with propulsive beats, pitch-shifted vocals, technological screens, and militaristic noise stabs. By the final third of its eight-minute runtime, Vektroid has incorporated a mechanical violence that positions the track onto a different plane altogether.
Vektroid’s remix can be found on Magic Fades’s Push Thru Remixes, which drops today. Other tracks get the remix treatment from artist like Karmelloz, Jeremiah (The-Drum), C Plus Plus, Persona La Ave, and more.
• Vektroid:
• Magic Fades:
• 1080p:
More about: Vektroid