♫♪  Yearning Kru - teemer

Trickling down the drainpipe, a flaking and ancient sludge winds its way back into the porridge for another endlessly gray daylight with Yearning Kru. It’s a pH test that ends up unearthing some extremely high-alkaline soil, a minutely fracturing expanse that nonetheless holds together, each crevasse a direct line into the veins, a neon stream of discarded senses and breathing debris. Titled teemer, Kru really lets the static bubble up here, furthering his inclination for withering textural vistas over a sweeping 75 minutes, settling into disarray with a dissipating sense of calm. He’s still foraging through Zanarkand at heart (scope that luscious fade-in on “Perpetua Rise”), trying to process the mountains of trash filling up our world both inside and out, rendering ugliness as a calcified organism inseparable from its environment.

If you’re starting to recognize these patterns in your own ecosystem, teemer may be just the atlas you’re looking for. Set sail below:

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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