♫♪  Yom San - playa piano

Within the heart of every dreamer lies forfeit. Eventually, the weight of everything that matters really isn’t as heavy as it could be, so recognition of the immediate becomes drowned out and washed into the backdrop of eyelids. Holy shit, it just took me a minute to realize playa piano by Yom San was entirely sample driven. Not until I was on the Crash Symbols’ website looking at how much the tape was (five buck, btw) did I realize this was sampled and NOT a cover band. This is too intense. Ooo - and I sing “you’s A baby, right?” all the time to my dog Maud, YES! She’s actually my best stoner bud (aside from Grams), and this cover art is TOTALLY her too. Minus the color of the j-card’s coat. I tell her, though, yo, and make it fair, “Maud, if you ask me to order you a pizza in English, I’ll do it!” She’s not interested in evolution.

But Maud keeps it real, ‘cause Yom San do it simple like too. No stings attached. Pure back spin glory. The common the jam, the ultimate head nods, fuckin’ fuckin’ — Super Street Fighter II Ultra on Sega down stairs playing loud, as the babysitter turned the volume up by 20 bars (in this BITCH), flex some playa piano — or something like that — on the reel, and went in your parents bedroom with “a friend” 30 minutes ago. Aye, but you flexing. Maybe go down the block for a soda from that bodega. If Ali working, there’s a Bic in it for a dollar extra for the underage cost, and maybe spark up some trash in the alley. Young living: cassette players taped on handlebars with speakers as worn as them bike seats.

Nothing is stopping youth, playa piano is the elixir, follow Yom San down the path of your mind, when you come out from listening below, you can find the tape on Crash Symbols.

• Yom San: https://soundcloud.com/yom-san
• Crash Symbols: http://crashsymbols.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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