♫♪  Yung Lean - “Ghosttown” ft. Travi$ Scott

The latest Yung Lean press release (such a phrase need not exist in this or any other world) contains the following passage.

Yung Lean is wiser; self-confident and at the same time more complex. His lyrics are relevant to his new life experience, memorable and relatable in real time. You meet a person, who shares his experiences, his troubles and joys. The rhymes are still snappy, but now with poignant heart and soul.

But it’s a conspiracy. Yung Lean was built in a factory (read: some blogger’s living room). He’s the worst rapper of all time. The greatest accomplishment he can hope for is inclusion in Big Ghost’s Annual 10 Softest Niggas in the Game List, which would be fitting because the kid’s lyrics sound like they could’ve been ghostwritten by Pretty Toney’s pretty son Infinite Coles a.k.a. Moon God.

Fuck this shit.

• Yung Lean: http://sadboys2001.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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