♫♪  Chocolate Grinder Mix 26 - Get Techno Mouse In The Ambient Hutch, Quick

He’s had a gram of speed and two microdots. Reign it in, brother. You don’t want to be that guy wrapped in a blanket at the main stage at 6 AM. Try mixing in a little calm, a little atmospheric downtempo, maybe a bit of glitch, then head back to the dance floor for a while. You’ve got the whole weekend to party. Pace yourself. Or, you can let this mix do it for you [speed, microdots, and main stage not included].

01. Lusine - “Tin Hat” (A Certain Distance)
Start time: 0:00; Links: Ghostly International - Lusine

02. Argaman - “InHarmonic Symphony” (My Little Forest)
Start time: 4:24; Links: Fairytales - Argaman

03. Summer Dregs - “Toybox Rattle” (Gold To Green)
Start time: 10:28; Links: Summer Dregs

04. Jack Marchment - “Albers” (Who’s Afraid Of Iannis Xenakis?)
Start time: 15:19; Links: Herb - Jack Marchment

05. Pronto - “Soybot” (The Cheetah)
Start time: 19:04; Links: Contraphonic - Pronto

06. Zero 7 - “All Of Us” (Yeah Ghost)
Start time: 23:18; Links: Atlantic - Zero 7

07. The MFA - “Throw It Back (We Will Destroy You) [Luke Abbott Remix] (Throw It Back (We Will Destroy You) single)
Start time: 28:40; Links: Border Community - The MFA

08. Claude VonStroke - “Beat That Bird feat. Justin Martin” (Bird Brain)
Start time: 35:31; Links: Dirtybird - Claude VonStroke

09. Matias Aguayo - “Koro Koro” (Ay Ay Ay)
Start time: 41:08; Links: Kompakt

10. Shigeto - “Is This All For Real” (The Nocturnal Suite)
Start time: 45:52; Links: Moongadget/Ghostly International - Shigeto

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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