♫♪  Guest Mix: Ara Koufax - A Lonely Go-Bag Mix

It’s about time to revamp out fucking Friday mixes, mother fuckers. This week is a nasty lil mix from Naysayer & Gilsun members (Sam and Luke) with their newest project Ara Koufax. After finishing a new EP for Club Mod, the fellahs-two debuted their single “Converge” just at the end of last month, giving listeners no room for down-time. Apparently they locked themselves in a beach house getting loop and improvised crazy during the wintertime, and amongst general dismay, they conjured up some mental dust that had been laying stagnant for a minute or two or a few years. And in the mean-time, as they’re preparing for a new Ara Koufax EP release, they squeezed in time for a TMT Friday mix for MAX killage.

Next week is a fresh fucking mix from me, C Monster. Hopefully that week after, we’ll snag one from our fearless leader, Mr. P. Then open it up for more if y’all new writers think you got what it takes!!! :)

Stream below, and subscribe to our podcast here.

• Ara Koufax: https://www.facebook.com/arakoufaxau

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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