♫♪  Amalgamated - Bulbing, Cricket, Splash

It’s that feeling you get when someone across the street in the elementary school parking lot is laying on their wheel without remorse, or has flat-lined, and their face is smooshed up against the wheel. But that feel is a tingle-ting you nip from the humidity and consider all things are just over-reacting. The person. This horn. You thinking.

Then it’s 2:30 AM and the front doorbell rings, and your big spoon asks if you can “get that.” So outta sleep paranoia — but mostly fear — you grab a knife head toward the door with reluctance, peek out the top window of the door, and nothing is there. You turn to the big spoon and say there’s nothing there as the doorbell rings again. You open the door swiftly with the knife ready to swing or stab —is this even real— and nothing is there, again. Walking out on the patio where you stood before as the car horn faded out from over-use, you look around, and the doorbell rings again. Frantic, you rip it from the wall and the batteries from it.

Not many people have dove into the way humidity, post-electronics, depleted ozone, and sunlight effects humanity, and eventually our end and intelligent plant life reigns supreme. It’s always just around the corner. We think we’re making AI. Amalgamated proves, through the future sounds of Bulbing, Cricket, Splash (out now on Retrograde Tapes), that our future will be a more unified one through the over-growth of photosynthetic-bionics. We think they’re systems are the SHIT now. Just imagine when they’ll overtake out AI and technology and use it as post-digital archeological psyche of how human’s imagined themselves.

Bulbing, Cricket, Splash by Amalgamated is out NOW on Retrograde Tapes. Scope:

• Amalgamated: https://4m4lg4m4ted.bandcamp.com
• Retrograde Tapes: https://retrogradetapes.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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