♫♪  Birds of Passage / Je Suis le Petit Chevalier / Motion Sickness of Time Travel / Aloonaluna - Taxidermy of Unicorns

Lynn Fister’s young Watery Starve Press has already made a big splash on the cassette market, following an incredible debut compilation with releases from the likes of Stephen Molyneux and Sparkling Wide Pressure. Each tape she’s put together has arrived with individually collaged artwork, impressive and beautiful stuff all around to be certain. But this latest release is taking the imprint to a new level, so we here at the Chocolate Grinder are proud to present this quadruple premiere of videos from Taxidermy of Unicorns, a four-way split highlighting the work of female experimental artists from around the globe, including New Zealand’s Birds of Passage, Belgium’s Je Suis le Petit Chevalier, Georgia’s Motion Sickness of Time Travel, and Fister herself under her musical guise, Aloonaluna. Although each performer has a singular and unique vision here, the four sides of music are bound by some intangible common thread, giving the project a feeling that is cohesive in its blurry beauty — a phenomenon Fister discusses in a personal essay found in the companion booklet that comes with the tape. Check out the videos created by Rachel Evans, Fister, and Brian Ratigan below.

Birds of Passage, “Dead Flowers” (excerpt):

Je Suis le Petit Chevalier, “Documents” (excerpt):

Motion Sickness of Time Travel, “Mutable Mode”:

Aloonaluna, “Angela”:

• Birds of Passage: http://birdsofpassagemusic.com
• Je Suis le Petit Chevalier: http://www.facebook.com/jesuislepetitchevalier
• Motion Sickness of Time Travel: http://motionsicknessoftimetravel.blogspot.com
• Aloonaluna: http://aloonaluna.com
• Watery Starve Press: http://waterystarve.blogspot.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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