No time to think or hesitate, just give me your answer, QUICK: Which do you like more? Handsome, bearded men?? Or fuzzy, lo-fi, midwestern garage rock???
Ha. Just kidding. You don’t really have to decide! (I know, it was freakin’ tough though, wasn’t it?) Because luckily, the lovably vain scuzzballs in St. Louis-based foursome The Brainstems—whom, you’ll undoubtedly recall, released their debut album No Place Else this past November on Bad Diet Records—have just put an end to that ages-old psycho-musicological dilemma with today’s unveiling of their triumphantly narcissistic new music video.
Specifically, the very-relieving new clip is for the album track “Time to Ride,” which was made by Hayden Molinarolo and features—you guessed it—hot close-ups of our heroes lookin’ great (oh sure, there’s maybe some other, slightly more unnerving stuff peppered in here and there about how “the owls are not what they seem” or whatever else, but I’m pretty sure the gist is that these cats are both beautiful AND great at making exuberant, clamorous racket-rock happen).
Peep the vid yourself down below, and snag this crazy limited-edition vinyl version of No Place Else, after your eyes and ears and heart-rate have all safely returned to normal.
More about: The Brainstems