There should be something deeply intrusive about listening to Solo Voice I - X, C. Spencer Yeh’s long-awaited full-length dedicated entirely to the human voice. The sound of a single performer’s oral tones, bereft of exhalation and delicately balanced across 10 tracks without accompaniment, has great potential to cause distaste.
And yet, each of these movements act as a magnification of all that we take for granted, not only in speech, but in any kind of articulate bodily gesture. The movement of the voice, the variety of its texture, and the complexity of its implication are fortified here by the very virtue of each fragmented implausibility.
I hear each of these tracks as meditations on the absurdity of language. They are a reminder of the profundity we encounter in a single bodily function, performed on a daily basis, by billions of people. That this reminder comes so exquisitely designed makes this experience all the more astonishing.
It is our absolute pleasure to premiere “Solo Voice V” and to announce the release of C. Spencer Yeh’s fascinating new album, available for purchase on Primary Information now.
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