I’ve never been to Minnesota. But surely residents of the state claiming the blueberry muffin and common loon have their demands — surely they have needs. Some people need warm food, some people need mo’ money, some people need less problems, some people need a little love, some need a country with fewer idiots with guns, some just need fewer idiots, and some people only need one more toke, man, just one more. With upcoming EP Needs, to be dropped February 12, Minnesotan band Carroll proposes to tell us just exactly what four young men in the Bread and Butter State have been jonesin’ for.
Turn, then, your attention to Carroll track “Lead Balloon,” premiered and streaming below. The track appears to assert Carroll’s belief that sometimes all a song requires is a full-throated, candid vocal performance and a producer who can mix those croons to the track’s front. The lush guitar blooms and lazer-pointed synth provide easygoing support to Brian Hurlow’s lyrics. While there are certainly bands and bards in 2013 hunting for ways to revolutionize melodies with unknown sounds and shapes, Carroll’s “Lead Balloon” propose that a crystal, honest voice and clean chords are all it takes to fully sate a certain set of aural needs.
• Carroll: http://carrollmusic.tumblr.com
More about: Carroll