♫♪  Courtesy - “Nite Nite”

There’s always something slightly off-key with Moon Glyph releases that keep reeling me back into their charm. Beyond the psychedelia there, Courtesy is going for the big-sleep, providing visual and soft sound elements, inviting the tired with “Nite Nite” in a mind expansion project for dreaming. Drums akin to familiar songs like “There There” by Radiohead. Electronic warping to ensnare the unusual touches of brandishing dreams with focus. Gentle vocals that are as hypnotic as they are pensive. Patiently fizzled guitar rifts and drifts. Hums in harmony with more abrasive sound than the buzzing it tires to and wins in overbearing victory.

As if “Nite Nite” were the road map to your dreams, Courtesy navigates listeners to a more shore of lounge and turmoil. Like a combination of Patrick Watson, Swans, and EarTheater, Courtesy uses a less abrasive technique to provide heavy experience, and the conjoining of all these polar-negative sounds, creates a weave of perfect swirling collages of sleep patters. Don’t miss out on this little ditty, as Moon Glyph hasn’t and is releasing Slow Bruise on tape this Tuesday by Courtesy, featuring the single “Nite Nite,” SCOPE:

• Courtesy: https://soundcloud.com/courtesy
• Moon Glyph: http://moonglyph.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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