♫♪  DOROSOTO - “Molly’s Mood”

From the free-falling sounds of standing in the largest crater to the salt/crystal licking hysterics of audible hallucination, DOROSOTO is the only pathway leading to Maxtoon Physics. Here on Maxtoon, listeners can sense the weight of everything continuing to crash down upon them, for the infinitely falling sky is merely a cyclical way the planet perpetuates new atmospheres and scapes to venture. But as one tries hard to keep up, “Molly’s Mood” interrupts any processes leading to thought, and crashes down upon the psyche willing enough to transmit the track for four minutes and 48 seconds.

“Molly’s Mood” is exactly what it’s like to distribute your mind on imaginary time. If you’d like to be somewhere completely else, DOROSOTO is here to help you experience the ups and downs of Maxtoon Physics. Relentless in beat, hollow in nearly all melting melodious sound, “Molly’s Mood” disintegrates into the bombardered skyline of jagged rock and plums of water, frantically in control of losing every last bit of mentality. Clawing at your face and shaking your head won’t help you escape. Expand your mind.

DOROSOTO has worked with many larger artists, including Black Moth Super Rainbow/Tobacco and Brian Grainger, and now he’s popping off his newest tape Maxtoon Physics via the illustrious Illuminated Paths. OUT TODAY; LISTEN BELOW; STREAM EVERYWHERE:

• Dorosoto: http://www.i-absentee.com/artist-dorosoto.html
• Illuminated Paths: http://illuminatedpaths.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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