Keeping one foot each on the dance floor and in the bedroom, Forward, the new record by NYC/Portland/world duo Dream City, is that rare thing: an album suitable for headphone deep listens as well as actually being danced to.
The union of S. Deelay (of the Insane Deelay handle) and C. Perez (Metropol, and headmaster of the progressive & excellent label Pastel Voids), Dream City marries both producers’ lean toward the ambient with a sturdy 4/4 heart, making a beat-heavy/low-melody set that stays locked in its groove and goes down really, really smooth. The focus here is on rhythm, and no matter how atmospheric these tracks can get (and they do!), the project is kept on Earth by a devotion to a Chicago-worshiping love of the beat. The combination frequently makes listening to Forward total bliss, an occasionally gentle record that, as its title suggests, keeps you rolling from one unce to the next.
Also included here are a heavier Max McFerren re-do of track “Hopeful Visions,” as well as Perez’s digital only take on record starter “Down 2” in disguise as Metropol. You can stream the whole thing below.
Forward thing will be available January 10 from Blankstairs — order it now
More about: Dream City