♫♪  FOANS - Lost Steps

Sometimes a good time is just a sweaty hair shake away from breaking out and feeling everything around you. Maybe it’s the ambiance of encountering a large gravitational pull only music can direct listeners into. A beat that wraps itself around your spinal cord. Melodies that sway hips. Sounds likely to have appeared to you once before, and are not something completely obscene and serine. Picking back up on those Lost Steps you’ve been meaning to work on really helps when FOANS casts sound waves across an audience.

And with merely a sliver of low fidelity, general house, and exact practice in euphoria, Lost Steps comes to you as quick as remembering how to ride a bicycle. So hop on the dance tandem with FOANS by clicking PLAY below, and turn this Tuesday OUT!!! (fuck)

And weirdly, Jeff Ravioli just gChatted me:

Realization: young people (<24) are much much more likely to prefer/love “BIG” albums. Really caring about the BIG albums is exhausting.

Meaning: releases like Lost Steps will only increase listeners’ longevity because of FOANS’ wondering curiosity to expand audience’s musical mind grapes into the next evolution of art and humanity; increase your total life expectancy TODAY:

• FOANS: https://foans.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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