♫♪  IVVY - “Celebrate”

Seattle’s Madison Liam Levine is keeping with their love of hardware and capital letters alive through new moniker IVVY and new EP, Diamond Eye out April 8 on MOTOR. Where Levine’s last work under the incredibly hard to google name WMD explored the brute of dub, the imminent rise of IVVY is up in the rafters shaking the room from above. Much of Diamond Eye is driven by a clean, immersive, driving beat and “Celebrate” is its best example.

An absorbing spirit, “Celebrate” personified is a hard, determined walk, each step firm and undoubtedly progressive. Levine weaves and wraps synths, each bordering the area it occupies with a sound both raw and refined. The production IVVY brings on Diamond Eye is stirring without any outlying flair. Pure, pounding electronica.

Diamond Eye is out April 8 on MOTOR Collective on digital and cassette.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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