♫♪  Jerk Circuit - Ohemanrap

Fat Beats, Underground Hip Hop, and Stones Throw ain’t the only people throwing up new rap on cassette tape, side from Bootleg’s 50 CENT IS THE FUTURE, of course. And side from that Height with FRIENDS tape, and maybe give-or-take an handful of samples, Ohemanrap marks a new destiny for the Illuminated Paths roster in hip hop. Like, Ohemanrap is a complete ZONE. Not as bombastic as THIRD SIDE OF TAPE, but Jerk Circuit is just as bombed in a post-alternative rock 90s mentality realmed within a karaoke hip hop haze that’s both parts straight up and on the rocks.

Oh shit, I didn’t even see this:

The Jerk Circuit, a turn of the century rap group based in central Florida, consisted of artists Bleubird, Filkoe176, Sign One, and DJ Spytek. Jerk Circuit helped pioneer a regressive sound based on sampling records, field recordings, and live instrumentation. This record was recorded over the winter and spring of 2001, and for the briefest of intervals, the crew was the illest nerd rap group in the Southeast until disbanding in 2002.

There’s more verbiage about Jerk Circuit on the Bandcamp, so fuck on it there; something about “nerd” and “indie” rap that’s a little beyond my element can be found below Ohemanrap via Illuminated Paths. But this is a big deal because…


• Illuminated Paths: http://illuminatedpaths.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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