♫♪  Kane Ikin - “Rhea”

It’s at that moment you know you’re being watched when adrenaline soaks all your muscles. Alone, but conscious of someone looking, the rush rips through your still body trying to find a sound. Beating into your psyche comes the natural pulse and flow of blood, which fills your eyes red, and all sounds are absorbed by that beating. In the tree line, you see the voyeur and start running. Imminent danger ahead, and possibly whirling whizzing past you, as running accelerates with each hard heartbeat. Distracted and jamming now to your own personal rhythm, you think about how deep creep-dance has been this year, with acts like Silent Servant, Vatican Shadow, and Mortiz Von Oswald Trio. Mm, yeah, and that Sublunar album Kane Ikin released this past September on 12k. Weird how his new video for “Rhea” is like the situation you’re in now.

• Kane Ikin: http://kaneikin.com
• 12k: http://12k.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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