On March 26, Graham Smith, legendary lo-fi master and self-proclaimed “coolest person alive,” will make his triumphant return with Let It Buffer, Kleenex Girl Wonder’s 12th full-length and the band’s first since 2011’s Secret Thinking. This time around, Mr. Smith promises such aural treats as “a rap song in rock’s clothing” and “more multisyllabic rhymes… that you can shake a wordstick at.” Even though we still have to wait a few more weeks for Smith to release “Let It Buffer,” he’s allowed us the privilege of premiering the clip for “Thelema and Louise,” the album’s crunchy contemplation on love, sex, and creepy 20th-century mysticism.” In the video, Smith dons some spooky glow-in-the-dark makeup, transforming him into a Joker-ific version of the dude in this GIF. At one point, we see a lampshade printed with a blown-up image of Smith’s face, which is sort of creepy, but also inherently awesome. Just like the song.
• Kleenex Girl Wonder: http://kgw.me
• This Will Be Our Summer: http://oursummerrecords.com
More about: Kleenex Girl Wonder