♫♪  Lawrence English - “Forgiving Noir”

Having been in the making for two years, Wilderness of Mirrors is finally reaching its way to Lawrence English fans EVERYWHERE (shipping on or before) August 1 via Room 40 on black or white vinyl, CD, and digital (out July 21). And as seen in the new video for “Forgiving Noir,” Lawrence English hasn’t lost his pension for pensive patience. As the focal character, this woman with a branch possesses an intriguing strength in terms of initiative and stamina. She also harnesses a certain mystery that is also pleasantly hidden within Lawrence’s track “Forgiving Noir.” What is this forgiveness all about? How does the noir light transpire upon this specific situation?

Maybe what’s happening is this woman with a branch: she’s encircling the video AND the wilderness itself. If Lawrence English’s newest album title Wilderness of Mirrors has anything to say about the video, the woman with a branch IS just entombed within a lengthy trail of similar scenery. If I consider anything outside of Clint Eastwood’s take on the “genre” noir — eh, fuck it, include Clint Eastwood — “Forgiving Noir” reads more toward the suspenseful aspect of noir lighting (as we all know the lighting came well before any sort of detective sleuth sub-genre took the word’s meaning), and flips the typical idea of the protagonist as the one cracking a mystery, as the VIEWERS (and listeners of the track) are the ones searching for meaning.

Find your meaning of Lawrence English’s Wilderness of Mirrors (a T.S. Elliot reference, btw) NOW, as you can pre-order the CD, LPS, and/or DIGITAL here via Room 40.

• Lawrence English: http://lawrenceenglish.com
• Room 40: http://room40.org

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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