♫♪  LBNHRX - Naïve Misanthropy


Naïve Misanthropy is a broken and worn down narrative of the human condition. It begs the listener to evaluate their position in society and come to terms with their irritation of its subsequent institutions. Each track displays its own place in this narrative. Littered with lush melodies and off-kilter rhythms this release will inevitably toy with the listener’s concept of Misanthropy as they helplessly descend into the dance floor’s captivating haze.

Consider this: who is the naïve misanthropist in this musical exchange? The consumer, seeing her/himself reflected in the “narrative of the human condition?” Or the artist drawing the narrative using lines of melodies and ink blots of rhythm?

LBNHRX, the moniker for the Brussels producer Binamer Lebienheureux, is another perfect fit in the thus far short list of the BLNKSTRS catalog. Each of the releases’ three tracks, “Their Judgements,” “Their Goals,” and “Their Rules” seem to be launching a barrage of filtered dance-music staples at clear targets, before the repetition in the missed beats and non-linear melodic structures create such a “haze” of “Judgements” that any clear meaning is lost in trying to decipher who the original target was. Which “subsequent institutions?” Who is the “they” in “Their?” The question of the origins of naivety is brought to the forefront. Are those who never stepped into the haze at all at fault to the same degree as the ones who are unable to decipher any meaning from the middle of the entire mess? Or is it that we are all the misanthropists, hidden in the obscurity of these questions?

Dance music for the head more-so than for the feet, Naïve Misanthropy is a practice in the artistic value of a genre too often considered solely for its rhythmic inspiration. And LBNHRX and the rest of the BLNKSTRS collective might just be close to the achieving the oft-impossible ratio of one question answered for every question asked.

Get your head in the haze and figure something out. Naïve Misanthropy is available April 1 on cassette via the BLNKSTRS label.

• LBNHRX: https://soundcloud.com/lbnhrx
• BLNKSTRS: http://blnkstrs.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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