Chiming on hopeful and golden-hearted, Lucas Vidaur’s Whimsical Drama and the Deathlessness of You stands bashful but unafraid as its melodies hum and harmonize with honest phrases and optimistic notes that surround them. Like the pure understanding of freedom felt as a child on your first bike ride. Almost like flying, too afraid to be anything but brave. That moment felt again, years later on your first car drive alone; sidewalks and mailboxes and age-old trees become one in a blur, lose their meaning only to gain new; become landmarks that carry weight far greater than their own.
Feel this way again every night drive with no destination, windows down, December air biting at your skin, making its home beneath your clothes, hair frenzied, tied by westward wind in sailors knots. Chaos and serenity come together in this moment, intertwine their fingers with yours, steady your hands as you steer. There is such joy in the simplicity of this moment, the sheer rapture of absolute freedom felt, surely you are flying now just as you did that first time as a child.
Whimsical Drama and the Deathlessness of You is available on cassette through Funeral Sounds. Have a listen for yourself here:
More about: Lucas Vidaur