Math The Band is HUGE supporters of pizza. First and foremost. They sound like, like if the Ninja Turtles aged to around 30, went back in time, and tried to make peace with Horse The Band. (Oh, holy shit: Horse The Band is still around.) More specifically, Math The Band’s track “Horses” is reminiscent of that cutie gurl/boii ought-period keyboard-smashing that grew and grew until it became something like Matt & Kim, and I’m all like, “Math The Band, please pull through. You’re not lame and could do some wild shit. Thank you for going on tour with Andrew W.K. Oh my g-oooooooooooooooo-dness.” Anyway, check out the video for “Horses” here:
And, on the real, also check out both their tourdates — fuck! — and they’s truth-bomb album Get Real, out now on CD/LP formats via Anchor Brain. Then get a little juvenile, bring it straight to the heart, and pound out some jams.
• Math the Band:
• Anchor Brain:
More about: Math the Band