♫♪  Mirage - “Children Games”

Trifling with music-magic wriggles this new video of “Children Games” by Mirage from last year’s Blood For The Return on Olde English Spelling Bee. And along the same lines as the label’s general aesthetic, “Children Games” trickles a satisfying milieu of DIY, carefully matching the beat and ambiance of Mirage’s song construction. With bone-chilled keys, a steady back-tap, toe-up bass-strut, and practically harmonized-monotone vocals that swell with potential and questionable electronic effects. Climaxes that come and go with the hand-cut imagery drawing the “Children Games.” The video is clever, pairing the particular, morose cabaret of Mirage’s musical pronunciation with the delicate confusion of child-like bewilderment of society. It’ll make sense the more you view.

Actually, if you head on over to the OLDE ENGLISH SPELLING BEE store, you can find Blood For The Return ON SALE, including a package deal for Outer Limits Recordings, and other golden-oldies to still biddy a buck on. It actually took me a second to get this post going today because I got up in that digi-diggin’ game. Also, Absolute Zero got me a little chill too.

Scope the new Mirage video for “Children Games” below off Blood For The Return and feel the frazzle:

• Mirage: http://miirage.bandcamp.com
&bull OLDE ENGLISH SPELLING BEE: http://oesbee.blogspot.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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