Hazy, reverberating notes create a backdrop of somber beauty for poignant words and rhythmic melodies, bringing with them a sense of solace long sought and found at last. It is a house moved out of, left empty long ago; it has not been a home for so long. Flakes of paint from the front door cling to the skin of your palms like scales. Air rushes at last, through the halls of the house; together you exhale. Stripped to bare skin, scars mirrored by cracks on the ceiling, there is no need to hide here, these walls too have ghosts within them. There are pathways already worn down into the floorboards; pacing long past midnight will do no harm here. Dusty windows are veiled by moth-eaten curtains; you do not have to shy away from the daylight that filters through them, it does not hurt you when it touches the bones of your back or as it illuminates the shadows in the hollow of your throat. Singed moth wings brush across your lips, casting lace shadows over your chest, they fly in light that for once does not burn them.
Debuting from the album Whatever Reason is a video for the track “Glass,” a collaboration between Molly Drag and film student Luke Lehner. Images layer over images and bleed into each other as cityscapes and empty rooms, rain puddles and night skies, crowds and abandoned buildings, all fade together; veiled memories playing all at once, streaming together into one, blurring into obscurity, moments of melancholy and joy indiscernible from each other but steeped in a comfortable nostalgia.
Listen to the album stream here, or a complete discography of Molly drag’s music here.

More about: Molly Drag