While a teenage me would have geeked out over the latest Coldplay or John Mayer release (you read that right), full grown me is going equally bonkers over new, weirder, and darker noise recordings. With that deepy refined palate, I’ve been diving head first into the latest trio of cassettes from the impeccable Los Angeles imprint Dinzu Artefacts (listen to our Laser Focus podcast with the label here).
Today, we’re highlighting G5, from Dutch trio Ohm. The tape, culled from “live recordings of the Dutch trio using a plethora of non-traditional instruments to slowly build meditative drones and ambiance,” according to the label, hums along with a harsh dark ambient atmosphere. The excerpt below is a perfect snapshot of the vibe Ohm goes for, with various sounds, instrumentation, and effects building a hypnotic and unsettling mood over 17 minutes.
Dinzu Artefacts’s March batch is now available, with additional tapes from Phil Maguire and Tap Water. For the noise heads still plugging away, drifting ever further into the blissfully chaotic abyss, this is just what the doctor ordered.
More about: Ohm (Dutch)