♫♪  PACIFIC YEW - Trees / B​-​Sides [sampler]

After having dropped (​(​(​( .​.​Lamest Days )​)​)​) in February this year, Pacific Yew continues alchemical plumes of naturally concocted rhythms that weave in and out of consciousness entitled Trees / B​-​Sides — a double album, in a “sorta way” — on the infamously persistent, proud NYC tape label, Dirty Tapes. Even just the sampler (that Tiny Mix Tapes is HONORED to bestow upon you) for both release, Trees / B​-​Sides, is pure awe-struck incentive to want more. It’s as if Pacific Yew has made a road-map to finding cross-over destinies that’ve never been entwined. Like these samples had always meant to be mashed together and beaten to a sculpture only the right amount of sonic, holistic healing can provide. And reading can get stressful eventually (for everyone), so chill out, dig the most recent Dirty Tapes fire Trees / B​-​Sides by Pacific Yew, and grip the REEL before you gotta continue living that digital life, cause who we kiddin’, B?

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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