Melbourne’s finest RaRa just dropped some colorful vibes within their newest EP Pink and Teal. Featuring Martin King , Kwasi, friendships, and S I L E N T J A Y throughout eight tracks, the fellahs hit on some DAMN good vocals, but the production on this is BONKERS. It’s looped, sampled, experimented, based out, and, well — RaRa is just running the gamut on renaissancing the perfect modern-day set of instrumentals.
But there’s also a theme in Pink and Teal, as the tags suggest it’s a “concept album.” If I were judging it based on both the lyrics and the cover art, I feel like the common theme and/or motif here is ritual celebration. As in, just people coming together, getting weird (but not TOO TOO weird), and enjoying the challenge of making pop music acceptable, while destroying it ever-so-slightly.
They also popped a new video for “Green Beat w/ friendships” a few days ago, and it’s a trip. It actually REALLY reminds me of the Samiyam cover art off Leaving Records. Scope below:
• RaRa:
More about: Pink and Teal, RaRa